Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"die mittagsfrau" more sketches...

today i had time to finish the second page for my comicversion of the book "die mittagsfrau" written by julia franck.... i have to correct myself... time to finish a sketch for page 2 -.-
it's the first time for me EVER doin' panels - i tried to create some kind of "reading flow" ?! hope you like.

edit: sketches for page 3 and 4 are finished... 4 more pages and i'm done.

edit 2: next pages (5 and 6) as a really ruff "sketchversion" and a second "censored version". my professor didn't like the first sketch for that scene - i was forced to illustrate another situation - i guess he didn't liked the "splatter" of that "handscene". he has not yet seen the second "censored version" - maybe now it's ok...

edit 3: next sketches (for the pages 7 and 8) are done. page 6 can remain this "censored" way. now i have to do 2 more pages (i haven't got any plans for going on...) - my professor wants to know what's next! (to be honest, me2 ;))


Natalie / Zaix said...

Ich find die Panels super :)
der Lesefluss ist gut nachvollziehbar, denk ich (auch wenn ich den Text nich lesen kann, weil zu klein :D).

Von dem Kerl hab ich neulich übrigens gesprochen

das ist der, der sich in zwei Jahren Zeichnen beigebracht hat :)

Anonymous said...

gefällt mir richtig gut. Vor allem durch die guten "Übergänge" zwischen den einzelnen Panels (also Vogel, Gesang, Sprechblase) wirken die Seiten sehr angenehm beim lesen - freu mich schon auf mehr :)