"gemini rue" is a game created by only one person and it's a blast! i had no time to finish the game yet because there was so much distraction in 2011 (told ya), but i will! i started working on that fan art piece months ago, beginning with just the idea to do a "hd version" for one of the main character portraits. then i started to expand the image, ending up with a complete hd version of a scene of the game (see the first image above for the original source). if you have a passion for noir style science fiction, stuff like blade runner, conspiracies, atmospheric music, old school graphics and especially point and click adventures from the past, go for it - seriously! i hope you like it (at least) as much as i do.
great job!!
Fantastic! I would love to see your artwork featured in-game :)
thank you guys! :D
glad you all enjoy it that much, if the full game would be republished with this level of detail it would really be someones life's work - no kidding! the effort to paint more then 50 backgrounds, all the items, characters, the animations, the different layers would cost so much time... that's what i learned from this fan-art piece. maybe one room fully working in hd, with characters and everything would be possible (easter egg like), but nah... wouldn't fit the rest of it i guess. ;)
I really like this game, I started playing it again after I got sick of all the games which are currently out. Thanks for posting some fanart! Looks awesome! I just hope one day that he may release a HD version of the game :)
haha, let's hope so. glad you like it.
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