gain back those underpants! finally done.
"TINY & BIG" is a game created by "black pants game studio", an independent game studio rooted in kassel, germany. it's a blast! admittedly, i only have the beta demo of the game for now, but i already love it! you can really cut almost everything apart with that beautiful ray cutter tool... i played through it several times, now i need the full package! i hope that i'll get the boxed retail version as a birthday present when it comes out (hint: me = collector, hint 2: release on friday, hint 3: birthday on saturday). i started working on that fan art piece weeks ago, beginning with just the idea to do some sort of "realistic looking" redesign for the lead character "tiny". then i started to expand the image when i had freetime, ending up with a complete remake of the
original cover. if you have a passion for nostalgic stuff and absurd humor, science fiction, games like the classic "psychonauts", awesome music (
seriously!), old school hand-drawn graphics and especially adventures and jump & runs from the past, go for it - i mean it!
advice: if you want to get a drm-free version for mac, linux and windows, a steam key and a bonus pack featuring wallpapers, avatars, a digital artbook and a free track get the
humble version from the main page (best way to support the team btw) or if you want the soundtrack buy the
steam version. such a shame that it won't be part of the retail version... you can't have everything i guess. i hope you like the fan art.
these "black pants" are faaast, responded in no time (check comments)! so happy that i reached them and that they like it ofc! thanks for the tweet! :)
edit 2:
just found out that the humble version contains the "soundtrack edition"! you can find the files in
"..\Steam\steamapps\common\TinyAndBig\Tiny and Big Soundtrack" now you're not just supporting, you get the best package... makes it the cream of the crop!