did this yesterday with my left forefingertip on my ipod-touch. used the apps "brushes" for details and "pollock" for the running noses and background. it's the headhunter with a big hat! hope you like :)
painted mona this morning with my left forefingertip, the apps "pollock" and "brushes" on my ipod touch... first try to combine these 2 great apps in one piece. hope you like :)
very fast (!!!) sketch i did a few days ago, as usual on my ipod with "brushes" using my left forefingertip... i don't have much time, to do brusheswork at the moment :( anyway, hope you like!
uff! nearly finished the first page for the "die mittagsfrau" comic-project. i can't finish them all, but i want to do the second page in color and maybe the cover too till deadline. hope you like the first one :)